Covid manifested and manifesting a new reality

Philosophical and metaphysical/physical ponderings.
The brain does what it thinks you want it to do. It has no distinction between the past, present or the future, so it can’t tell the difference between what you think about or visualise. We re-create the exact emotions we felt from past traumas in the present. We make our futures happen from our anxieties about it in the present. We manifest our futures by believing them into being first. It gives you what it thinks you want.
So for example, if you have a talk coming up at work or something and you really don’t like speaking in front of large groups, and you say to yourself ‘Oh god I just don’t want to go to work on Tuesday, please no don’t make me do it.’ Your brain will go: ‘Oh hey, well I could give you the flu if you want? I’ve got it right here ready to go, you wanna do that?’ Low and behold, Tuesday comes, and you’re sick. Surprise surprise. But I mean physically sick, you have given yourself genuine physical symptoms through your thoughts. There is a direct correlation. We call this ‘psychosomatic’, and it is the very reason double blind studies exist because of the placebo effect. Working on the other side, people will heal themselves purely because they believe they’re being healed. So what purpose does the medication serve? This ‘brain tricking’ is in fact how all illness, and health works.
So… and here’s the philosophical side; what does that say about the collective conscious… or the collective unconscious about covid?
Think about it. If not just one person but billions of people are all thinking, whether consciously or unconsciously: ‘This is not right, the world is not how it should be, we’re not supposed to work 50 hours a week. I want to spend more time with my family, i want to do fun things and get out in nature, I want to spend more time with myself healing my issues. I’m bored of the superficial and materialistic. I’m bored of going out for nothing. I’m bored of buying things that bring me a moment of pleasure but are not fulfilling. I am yearning for more spirituality and connection in my life. Politicians are not being what they’re supposed to be. Countries are not working together the way they should and could be. There’s gross inequality across the world. Extreme racism, far right narcissistic world leaders and the people they influence. It is not right. There’s a huge dichotomy of opinions and beliefs between the conscious and the unconscious. I’m tired, I’m exhausted, I just need some time.’
Imagine what the collective power and energy of not just hundreds, or thousands, or millions, but billions of brains all thinking the same thing does.
When we know what we don’t want, we know what we do want. And contrast (to the thing wanted) which is already manifested in our present reality, causes us to focus and ask for more, in our individual lives which is where it starts, and thusly — collectively.
We all created this from suffering, which lead to more suffering, and will lead to more suffering by our attention to it. Yet, how much good has come out of it? How much positive change, inspired action? A fuck ton.
Look at what ‘is’ negatively and it will continue, it will expand. Look at what is and be grateful and look to and ‘feel’ your desires, and it will manifest. It will expand.
If the collective thoughts of the worlds population started with individual thoughts and opinions, then change will always start with the individual first. You can’t control anybody. No-one can control you. But we absolutely do influence each other.
So go back to the initial example. What do you really want out of a scenario where you have to speak in front of large groups? To just write it off and never do it or do you in fact wish you could get over it? To actually transcend that fear and smash the talk? Which feels better?
The choice will always come down to you and your free will. But how free is it, if you yourself are not having that conversation with yourself to discover what your emotions are telling you? We on,y suffer when we hold ourselves back from our true desires. That is what negative emotion is, you not being you and knowing about. Or not as it were. Not ‘I hate this, everything’s shit, blah blah blah’ but what is behind that belief causing you to feel that in the first place? It is always the will for more, for newness, for feeling better and complete and like you are being authentic with yourself and your innate desires. Not worse. Either way we create our own reality, by the things we tell ourselves and the images we show ourselves, in our brains, whether past, present or future.
You have to make that distinction and that choice, in the moment and then reinforce it, because that’s what you’re doing anyway with negative beliefs.
Try it. Catch a negative thought and change it, start simple, with a small one. Ask it what it’s doing there and what it’s really telling you by exploring the opposite. Seriously, picture the exact opposite of that thought and belief. See it, feel, how would it feel to have the opposite of what you are not experiencing? Feel it with all your might.
Do it every time that thought comes up until those positive thoughts about that particular thing are happening more times than the negative. See what happens.
This is how you change your beliefs to what is wanted, and this is how you change your reality. By being it first internally. A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking over and over. They can be changed, but it takes focus. And the focus comes from the contrast of what you’re wanting. So it will always take choice. Your choosing to be, think, believe, feel and have something different.
Don’t believe me? Think of every single thing you have in your life now, and didn’t have at one point, and where it originated.
I don’t mean: ‘I have a car, I bought it form a shop, it was made in a factory.’ I mean the idea of that car. That exact car. Your brain! Your thoughts. Your imagining of having it.
Now apply this to everything in your life — material things, relationships, work, money, direction.
You are creating your own reality because you have been, which means you always will be. And it always starts in the present.
Which present — that one? That old one? That one that will be? Which present do you think I’m talking about?
It’s the one NOW as you are reading this very sentence. Hi there! Hello. Nice to meet you. You’re looking deliciously attractive and vibrant today.
Now. If this happens in the individual (which it does) that if we change our beliefs to positive (or wanted) and we do that above 50% of our time compared to negative (or unwanted) thoughts, and that manifests in our lives (which it does), what do you think would happen if more than 50% of the population thinks these thoughts more than 50% of the time?
I mean, it’s possible, it’s already happened. World wide pandemic. But contrast is always extremely important, THE most important thing, because it is the bouncing off place for new desire. You would t have any without it.
So if it is possible for the collective conscious or collective unconscious to create this physical reality we are living in now, then it is also possible to change it. And it really does start with you.